
Advanced e-mails for Woocommerce

The most advanced transactional email plugin for Woocommerce

Main features

  • Manage all transactional e-mails from one place
  • Create new transactional emails with advanced variables and triggers
  • Set consistent branding for all emails

All features

  • Features of 5 plugins in 1 - Advanced emails replaces at least 5 other plugins – managing recipients and attachments, customizing the appearance of emails, adding emails for orders canceled by the customer, follow-up emails, alternatives to global emails with conditional logic. Additional features can be added using addons.
  • Plain and html templates - We allow you to edit not only the html template but also the plain template. This is important if you use external services to send emails. These often require the use of mixed content. Of course, you can also use variables in plain emails.
  • Prepared templates - We have prepared email templates for all basic transactional emails in Woocommerce. They are created according to the latest recommendations to improve the user’s shopping experience. It will save you not only time but also money.
  • Custom e-mails - We will allow you not only to edit Woocommerce transaction emails, but also to add your own emails. And the possibilities are really endless. From notifications, to reminders, to calls to action (e.g. review after purchase), to sending instructions after a successful product purchase.
  • Triggers - You can add many triggers for custom emails. You can choose the type of trigger – order status change, elapsed time in selected order statuses, or custom events. You can then select one or more triggers – payment methods, shipping methods, product categories, products, or even user roles.
  • Variables - We’ll let you add lots of useful variables. In the subject of the email and in the body of the email itself. You can use them to easily and quickly create the content of e-mails. In addition, we allow advanced users to condition individual blocks of content. Not only by payment and delivery methods, but also by weight and other parameters.
  • Cancelled order template - Woocommerce transactional emails lack a default status for customers who have canceled orders. This status is important to inform the customer that the order has been canceled. So of course we add it based on our plugin.
  • Reminder templates - Thanks to triggers, you can easily add emails to remind your customers to pay for their order. One, two or even more. You can set when the reminder should be sent. You can even set the exact time. We have also prepared content templates for you.
  • Preview and test e-mails - Once added, you can send each email to your inbox as a test and preview the graphic design. Always with specific information for a given email type, of course. If you find any errors, you can easily fix them.
  • Tag, disable and delete - You can sort your own email using a label. You can delete or disable notifications you don’t want to use. You can also disable the standard emails provided as part of Woocommerce.
  • CC and BB recipients - You can add recipients to any transaction email. Both CC and BCC recipients. One or more. You can also create new emails for your own purposes that will be sent along with the standard emails.
  • E-mail attachments - You can add attachments as part of emails. This is a legal requirement in many countries. In addition, you can sort attachments and let users know about them in the body of the email.

Minimal requirements

  • PHP version: 7.2 
  • PHP extensions: cUrl 
  • WordPress version: 5.0 
  • WooCommerce version: 5.0 

Thisplugin manager

We also provide you with an easy tool to install, update and manage our plugins and licenses, with the option to set up your own branding. And it is absolutely free.


With the Advanced Email Plugin, you can manage all your standard transactional emails from one place. You can also add your own emails and customize them to suit your needs.

Of course, you can use the plugin not only to manage existing Woocommerce emails or emails added by default by other plugins, but also to create new transactional emails.

You can set conditions and triggers using the interface by simply selecting them. You can also add variables directly to the body of the email, including advanced conditions.

In the template for adding a new email, you can specify not only basic information, but also recipients and, of course, attachments. In addition, if you have a large number of emails, you can use the tagging feature to mark them for faster searching.

You can completely customize the look of your emails. You can use the base colors from Woocommerce or the global styles from Thisplugin Manager, or even set your own colors.

You can set the branding of transactional emails using Global Styles in the ThisPlugin Manager. You can also customize global styles for transactional emails only.

In the settings you can set the method of sending emails as html, plain text or a combination of both (important if you use special SMTP for sending emails). You can also set up a FAQ page and a contact page, which you can use as variables in all emails.

In the available variables you will find all the variables for creating conditional text in the body of the e-mail, as well as the way to create the construction of conditional text. Including examples, of course.

You can test the finished email before you send it to the customer for the first time. You can view a live preview of the email or send it to your email address.

What people say about Advanced e-mails

“The default Woocommerce settings for emails are insufficient. You can only set 4 colors, add a logo and a description to the footer. And of course you can edit some template text. Some. I am always looking for a plugin that allows me to change not only the look but also the content of all transactional emails. Advanced Emails has met my expectations.” CARLOS

“Transactional emails are the part of eCommerce that I didn’t focus on at all. I later found out that transactional emails are important for successfully completing a transaction with a customer. I was looking for a solution to get the most out of them. Set up your own branding, customize templates to make them easy for customers to understand. Advanced Emails makes this possible and has many other great features. Thanks to ThisPlugin for developing it.” VERONICA

Extend functionality with add-ons

Order statuses

The addon allows you to add and manage new order statuses. You can set the name, slug, description, color and of course the payment type. You can use the main Advanced e-mail plugin to create transactional e-mails for these states.

Buy addon

Reviews (coming soon)

Reviews addon simplifies getting reviews from your customers. Allows you to send an automatic email when the purchase is complete and the return time has elapsed. The customer will be able to add a positive rating to one or more purchased products using the UX friendly form. In case of a negative review, it will be redirected to the questionnaire.

SMS/Whatsapp (coming soon)

In the SMS / Whatsapp addon we will add the option of alternative channels next to the classic emails. Using the external service Twillio it will be possible to send messages via SMS. We will also add the ability to send automatic transaction messages to Whatsapp.

Instructions and manuals (coming soon)

This addon enables the automatic sending of user manuals and other instructions related to products. Manuals can be added at the product level and sent in transactional emails. Of course, it will also be possible to inform the customer in the body of the email that the email contains such attachments.

Pay with QR code (coming soon)

With the Pay with QR Code addon, it will be possible to generate a payment QR code for bank transfer payments. The QR code is placed via a variable in the body of the email and via a shortcode on the thank you page of the order, if the customer has chosen to pay by bank transfer.

Waitlist (coming soon)

The Waitlist addon allows you to send automatic e-mails to interested customers if the product is currently sold out. After the product is in stock, an e-mail is automatically sent to customers with a link to purchase it.


How do I purchase and install Advanced Emails?

Before purchasing the plugin, check the minimum requirements for its installation – PHP version: 7.2, PHP extensions: cUrl, WordPress version: 5.0, WooCommerce version: 5.0.

Then select the number of licenses you are interested in. After clicking the Buy button, you will be redirected to Gumroad. Here you can buy the plugin securely here. You can pay with Paypal or credit card.

You can always find the plugin and licenses in the library on Gumroad.

And how to install the plugin?

First, download ThisPlugin Manager from our website. Then add your license that you received from Gumroad. Then all you need to do is activate the plugin.

ThisPlugin will also help you manage our plugins, add and manage licenses and updates.

Do you offer a refund if the plugin doesn’t work for me?

Of course we do. Since we do not offer a free version for most plugins, we allow our customers to try the plugin after paying and have the option to return it. Up to 30 days after purchase.

Therefore, using our plugins is not a risk for your business.

See this link for more information about refunds.

More information you will find on our website.

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You`ll get features that you would normally need 5 or more plugins

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$99 a year

Advanced e-mails for Woocommerce

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